петък, 25 юли 2008 г.


They were running on the beach,water made yet their feet.The nihgtsky was clear.Only the moonlight and the stars reflected into the water.Everything was dark.They saw a small boat and decided to take it into the water.But suddenly clouds covered the sky.Became a storm.The boy hug the girl...
- Don't worry,everything's gonna be alright...just don't worry and don't look out..
- Where are we?Please tell me...
- Shhhhhhhhhh...Just hug me...and kiss me...
She presssed his body and became one their lips.She could hear loud crash of tunders and she looked around.The beach was so far that she couldn't see it.At that moment she understood that they wouldn't came back.Than she just hugged him,kissed him and said her last words:
- I love you so much, but now I must tell you my last Good Bye...
- Shhhhhhhhh I love you too but you mustn't say Good Bye.We will be together again in the other world, there we will be happy forever...
That were their last words.A big wave arise and sink the boat.
In the next day in the newspaper was written:"Two people, a boy and a girl had drowned in the see..."
But in fact they were alive, their souls were alive and they were happy.That's why reall love is alive even after phisical death...

1 коментар:

Lollidella каза...

It's sweet.The end is perfect!
I love it!
